• Building the Backend
  • 20.10.2021

Fabian Morón Zirfas

  • Senior Creative Technologist
  • @Ideation & Prototyping Lab
  • @Technologiestiftung Berlin


Backend Überblick


Tool Kommentar
nvm Verwaltung von Node.js Versionen
asdf Verwaltung von CLI Versionen
Git Versionskontrolle
Node.js Ausführung
AWS CLI Abhängigkeit für Terraform
Terraform Erzeugung von Infrastruktur
auth0.com Account Auth Provider
vercel.com Account Hosting Provider
netlify.com Account Hosting Provider
mapbox.com Account Karten Provider
AWS Account DB und Datei Speicherung Provider
GitHub Account VCS + CI/CD

Wo ist der Sourcecode?

Provider Infrastruktur Repository (https://github.com/technologiestiftung/)
Mapbox Karten
Auth0 Autentifiziereng
GitHub Versionskontrolle & CI/CD
AWS Datenbank giessdenkiez-de-aws-rds-terraform
AWS Datei Speicherung giessdenkiez-de-aws-s3-terraform
DWD Regendaten giessdenkiez-de-dwd-harvester
OSM Wasserpumpendaten giessdenkiez-de-osm-pumpen-harvester
Vercel Backend Hosting tsb-trees-api-user-management
Vercel Backend Hosting giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api
Netlify Frontend Hosting giessdenkiez-de

Wie fange ich an?

▶▶ ▶ Zum Wiki ▶ ▶▶

Beispiel DB & API in 6 Schritten

🚨 Achtung 🚨

Hier könnten Drachen hausen!

1. Datenbank Erzeugen

AWS oder nicht?


  • Username
  • Passwort
  • Host
  • Port
  • Datenbank Name

Als postgresql Connection String


2. Auth0.com API

  • Audience
  • Issuer
  • JWKSUri

3. Quellcode

git clone https://github.com/technologiestiftung/giessdenkiez-de-postgres-api.git gdk-api
cd gdk-api
npm ci

3.1 Environment Variablen

cp .env.sample .env

in .env

 # this is for the local dev environmet
 # this is for prisma - the pattern is
 # you will find these in auth0.com

4. Tabellen & Daten

npx prisma db push --preview-feature --skip-generate
npx prisma db seed --preview-feature

5. Deploy

npx vercel

5.1 Environment Variablen

# the user for the postgres db
npx vercel env add user
# the database name
npx vercel env add database
# the database password
npx vercel env add password
# the host of the db, aws? render.com? localhost?
npx vercel env add host
# defaults to 5432
npx vercel env add port
# below are all taken from auth0.com
npx vercel env add jwksuri
npx vercel env add audience
npx vercel env add issuer

5.2 Deploy

npx vercel --prod


6. Test

code --install-extension humao.rest-client
code docs/api.http

6.1 Test Auth

6.1.1 Auth0 Application

6.1.2 Environment Variablen

in .env

# These can be obtained from Auth0 if you create a new machine to machine
# application that has access to your API

6.1.3 Token holen

code docs/api.http

6.1.4 Authentifizierte Anfrage

in .env

# below varaibles are for testing the api only
# this token can be obtained by running the POST request to
# see docs/api.http for more info
# https://giessdenkiez.eu.auth0.com/oauth/token

Q & A


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