FIXME: [DATAHUB-79] Once async middlewares land in express we van remove this.
If we run into errors it might be necessary to use the original repo and to contribute.
FIXME: [DATAHUB-81] Create robust Typescript function signature
This function can be used to wrap request handlers into an async function
so we can make async/await calls to prisma.
It is taken from
FIXME: [DATAHUB-80] Once async handlers land in express we should fix this.
There are also some packages that seem more robust then my snippet here.
This function wraps middlewares to enable async calls in there. It is taken from
FIXME: [DATAHUB-79] Once async middlewares land in express we van remove this. If we run into errors it might be necessary to use the original repo and to contribute. FIXME: [DATAHUB-81] Create robust Typescript function signature